Archaeolingua Foundation
Teréz krt. 13, HU-1067 Budapest, Hungary
Archaeolingua is a Budapest-based, public interest organization, a foundation, publishing house and research centre, dedicated to putting forward works of high-quality scholarship in the fields of archaeology, history, historical linguistics, and related academic disciplines. The publication of books has remained the principal activity of Archaeolingua Foundation, however, the international community can also rely on us as an organiser of scholarly forums and as an initiator of academic partnerships. Themes such as landscape history and reconstruction, the use of aerial photos in archaeological research, and integrating archaeological heritage into modern cultural tourism and awareness, have been in the centre of Archaeolingua’s activities.
Throughout its history, the Foundation has cooperated with a number of universities and research institutions, including the Europae Archaeologiae Consilium, the European Network of Excellence on ICT Applications to Cultural Heritage, the Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology, the Department of Linguistics of the University of Innsbruck, the International Council on Monuments and Sites, the British Archaeological Reports, the Universalmuseum Joanneum (Graz), or the Hungarian National Museum, just to name a few. More recently, Archaeolingua spearheaded the creation of an educational heritage trail in Sopron, within the framework of the Interreg Iron-Age-Danube Project.
We participated in the Interreg Iron-Age-Danube Project from beginning to end, as a research partner and as a publishing house that put out various material in multiple languages related to the project. Among these, there were booklets to be used in museum education programmes, brochures, as well as the scholarly volume that summarized the project’s main research results. Archaeolingua stays committed to assisting its partners in the IADR Association with further publications and distributing them in Hungary and abroad. We manage and supervise the whole process from the submission of the first ideas to the printing of the final product, and actively participate in shaping the publication.
Our bilingual, open-access online journal Magyar Régészet/Hungarian Archaeology, published quarterly, is one of Archaeoligua’s success stories. This journal played a pivotal role in communicating the results of the Iron-Age-Danube Project to the general public, with a separate column dedicated to this topic.
Jannos Banner Foundation
1142 Budapest, Sárköz str. 3/c. Hungary
Photo: Ariel photograph of the Iron Age fortification at Százhalombatta (photo: Zoltán Czajlik)
The Banner János Archaeological Foundation is an NGO with the primary aim to provide professional support to the propagation of the archaeological sites at Százhalombatta. It participates both in excavations and research. It encourages and sponsors interdisciplinary cooperation. The Foundation possesses unique specialist knowledge that helps to reach a deeper understanding of archaeological features. Through this the daily life and practises of the people of the past become more understandable and visible. This helps to raise public awareness towards the cultural and natural heritage of the area. The Foundation considers the touristic dissemination of this communal wealth among its priorities.
Hungarian National Museum
Múzeum krt. 14–16., HU-1088 Budapest
Photo: Museum building front © HNM
The Hungarian National Museum founded in 1802, has a broad experience in exhibiting, promoting and managing cultural heritage. The task of the Hungarian National Museum is to collect, preserve and present the historical relics of the people living in the Carpathian Basin and Hungary using scientific methods. As the central national historical museum, it collects all types of objects connected to the history of Hungary from the Neolithic Age to present days. Most of the 3.3 million objects are kept in storage in the museum building or outside depos and only approximately 12,000 objects are on display. The HNM has a significant archaeological collection; musical instruments, photographs, posters, coins and medals, arms and armory, goldsmith objects and modern materials, and manuscripts, archives, etc. In addition to its public role, the museum takes part in conservation degree courses of the University of Fine Arts and has independent licensed postgraduate programs for conservatory and digitization. Furthermore, the HNM offers a full range of heritage and archaeological services. The HNM, which also has developed significant social relations and participative programs with its public, analyzes and displays these issues with sensitive approach while remains the guardian of hundreds of centuries of historical heritage of the Carpathian Basin and its cultures.
Our archaeological permanent exhibition presents to the visitor the history of the peoples of the Carpathian Basin from earliest times up to the arrival of the Magyars. As a result of intermingled relationship of local communities and different groups from East and West, stratified communities arose in the heart of this region in the period stretching from the 8th century BCE to the time of the Roman conquest. The lands to the east of the River Danube became part of the Scythian world. Emblematic relics of these centuries are the Scythian golden stags. It was at this time that Transdanubia became home to people belonging to the Central European Hallstatt culture. The finest examples of their handicrafts work are urns with painted decoration that have been found in burial mounds. In the fourth century BCE, the entire territory of present-day Hungary was conquered by the Celts, who erected fluorishging urban centeres.
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Architecture, Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation
Mũegyetem rakpart 3. K. II. 82., H-1111 Budapest, Hungary
Photo: The main (K) building of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, designed by Alajos Hauszmann, former professor of the university. © BME
The Department of History of Architecture and Monument Preservation dates back its history to 1870, therefore the institution is almost in the same age as the university-level, organized education of architecture in Hungary and celebrates its 150’s anniversary this year.
The most important task of the Department is to teach the complete spectre of architectural history through theoretical lectures and practical seminars, to transfer knowledge on theory of architecture and monument preservation, and validate the approach of preserving the historical values within complex architectural design and diploma design courses. The Department also offers postgraduate education with the degree of Specialised Engineer in Preservation of Built Heritage and supports PhD students in their research.
The Department has a library of nearly 20,000 volumes, archive books and the service of information by a professional librarian as well as a unique Archive of Drawings and Plans. Our Colleagues are involved in the edition of scientific journals called Architectura Hungariae, Architectonics and Architecture (Építés-Építészettudomány), Monument Preservation (Műemlékvédelem) and Periodica Polytechnica Architecture. The Department considers as an important task to involve the next generations in research, therefore our students are key participants of Scientific Student Conferences, organises workshops and on-site survey programmes in Hungary or abroad.
Since 2020 July, the Department is one of the project partners of the Interreg DTP Living Danube Limes project among 19 universities, state and private enterprises and 27 associated strategic partners from 10 countries of the Danube region, who support the project with capacities and competences in the fields of archaeology, ancient history, technology, architecture, virtual-reality, museum structures, tourism, cultural heritage protection and living-history. BME intends to involve students as much as possible in the cooperation and joint brainstorming, therefore the thematics of the design course is based on the principles of the project, as well as they will participate at the Summer School organised by the project.
As the first scientific collaboration, many of the project partners participated in the international “Scientific Conference in Memory of Gyula Hajnóczi - Conference of Architectural Historians and Historic Building Researchers III” with the cooperation of The Department, the Standing Committee on the History and Theory of Architecture and Monument Preservation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, the Budapest History Museum Aquincum Museum, the Living Danube Limes project and the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.
The main aim of the Department is to provide an opportunity for architectural students as next generations to gain practical, interdisciplinary and international experience with various aspects of history of architecture. For this reason, it is an outstanding opportunity for the Department to be a member of the Iron Age Danube Route Association.
Sopron Museum
Fő tér 8.
9400 Sopron, Hungary
Appreciating antiquities is a several centuries-old tradition in the community of Sopron. The Roman-period remains of Scarbantia have been considered worth preserving since the 16th
century. In 1867, the Society for History and Art in Sopron issued a call to announce its establishment and ask for donations or loans of artefacts and works of art for a local museum.
The united museum of Sopron County and the town of Sopron were provided with five rooms on the second floor of the new town hall in 1898. From 1913 on, the institution was housed in the Lenck Villa, called “Palace of Culture” at the time, on Deák Square. The first major development of the museum started after World War II, after it reopened as the first of similar institutions in the country on 28th June 1947. In 1952, it took the name Ferenc Liszt, after a renowned Hungarian composer. Parallel with the expanding its collections, the museum also gained new buildings, such as the Lábasház (“footed,” meaning arcaded house) in the city centre in 1954 and the Fabricius House in 1962.
Most exhibitions were located in the city centre. Finally, in 1986, the museum’s centre was moved to Storno House on the Main Square. In 1988, the institution’s name was changed to Sopron Museum, and the former network of exhibition areas became a real town museum with different units: the Fire Tower, exhibition areas in the Storno House and the Fabricius House, the Pharmacy House, the Old Synagogue, the Bakery House, the Memorial House of Mining in Brennbergbánya, the Arcaded House, later the Macskakő / Cobblestone Children’s Museum, the Central Museum of Mining, and the Lenck Villa that reopened in 2021.
